Adobe flash player

Adobe Flash Player:一款由Adobe公司开发的多媒体播放器



Adobe Flash Player:一款由Adobe公司开发的多媒体播放器,用于播放、查看和执行Flash动画、视频和游戏。
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1·This page contains also video presentation which requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.
此页还包含视频演示,需要的Adobe Flash Player的新版本。
2·Adobe Flash Player 10 brought with it a new text engine to provide further support for enhancements that include multilingual capabilities and print.
Adobe Flash Player 10包含一个新的文本引擎,进一步支持包含多语言功能和打印的增强功能。
3·Flex is a popular open source framework for building rich Internet applications, and these applications can run in most browsers using the Adobe Flash Player.
Flex是用于构建富internet应用程序的一个流行的开源框架,可以使用Adobe Flash Player在大多数浏览器中运行这些应用程序。
4·Adobe Flash Player is a highly expressive client runtime that delivers streaming and on Demand digital media across major operating systems, browsers, mobile phones, and devices.
Adobe Flash Player是具丰富表现力的客户端运行工具,可以发布流媒体和点播,并运行在各主要操作系统,浏览器,移动电话和设备上。
5·It is a testing framework for developers writing Flex 2 or Flex 3 applications, regardless of whether they are deployed in the Web browser via Adobe Flash Player or on the desktop via Adobe AIR.
它是为编写Flex2或Flex3应用的开发者提供的测试框架,无论这些应用是通过Adobe Flash Player在浏览器中部署的,还是通过Adobe AIR在桌面上部署的。
6·When the required plugin version is not available we could trigger Adobe express install, a mechanism built into the Flash player that simplifies the plugin-download process.
当需要的插件版本不足的时候,我们可以触发Adobe快速安装,一种可以在flash播放器内部下载安装控 件的简单机制。
7·Besides the generated markup in the Flash ide Adobe also provides the Flash player detection kit. There are three ways of using this kit.
除了在flash IDE里面生成标签代码以外,Adobe还提供了flash播放器侦测套件。
8·In the last week, Adobe released a preview version of Molehill, its 3d programming interface, in a Flash Player 11 "incubator build."
9·Adobe Integrated Runtime and Flash Player use AMF for communications between an application and a remote server.
Adobe Integrated Runtime和Flash播放器使用AMF来在应用程序和远程服务器之间进行通信。
10·Similar to support for Flash Player 10, developers can leverage any new functionality available in Adobe AIR 1.5, though the Flex framework does not expose anything new itself.
与对Flash Player 10的支持类似,尽管Flex framework本身并没有暴露任何新功能,但开发者仍然可以使用Adobe AIR 1.5中所有的新功能。
更新时间:2025-03-13 23:16